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Picture for Faith Coaching Program package

Faith Coaching Program


US $1277.00


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Is this you?

You know your purpose and you have started your journey towards fulfilling your mission through entrepreneurship. Your business is your baby and you love it with everything you have! You willingly give your heart, sweat, tears, and endless amounts of time toward building something that you truly believe in. You are working harder than you’ve ever worked before, but it is totally worth it and the only regret you have is that you didn’t do this sooner!


What drives you crazy

  • Although you’re excited about owning your own business, you are also very scared.
  • There are a lot of fears coming up and you are having difficulty dealing with the emotions, stress, and anxiety that come from starting your own business.
  • You are starting to question your ability to do this.
  • You’re nervous that you are not ready.
  • You feel ashamed for feeling the way you do and your feelings have caused you to feel alone.
  • You also find that you easily neglect yourself due to focusing on your business.
  • Ultimately, it is a real challenge for you to maintain a healthy work-life balance because you are so ambitious.


What you need the most right now

  • Support and encouragement from someone who understands.
  • A supportive community of other business owners who are experiencing the same fears and frustrations you are experiencing
  • Tools and systems to support you in creating a healthy work-life balance
  • A plan to develop and strengthen your faith and confidence in who you are and about your calling
  • Tools that work for you and your personality that assist you in eliminating and overcoming fears that pop up along the way


You + Me = Faith in Action

The FAITH Program™ was created with you in mind. I believe that you have been chosen to fulfill a purpose because you have something special and unique to offer this world. Your success on your journey depends heavily on your faith in your ability to do it. There is a lot of pressure that comes with living on purpose and it can lead to doubt and fear. Doubt and fear will kill your purpose if it is left unchecked. In this program, you will have the support and encouragement you need to stay steadfast in your business. You will learn the tools and systems you need most to assist you in eliminating and overcoming the fears that currently hold you back. You will finally learn how to create the necessary balance needed to take care of you! Your business is a reflection of you—a healthy, balanced owner creates a healthy, balanced business. Finally, you will no longer feel alone.


The FAITH Program™

FAITH Coaching Program


  • Kiss Your Fear Goodbye! Fear Assessment™. Together we will find the root of the fears that are holding you back. You will then receive the tools you need to combat these fears and a plan to move successfully forward with your goals. (value $247)
  • 12 Weekly Coaching Calls.  You will learn how properly to maintain a healthy balance physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally so that you may intuitively and successfully carry out your purpose. You will learn how to create a healthy work/life balance so that you are not neglecting your health, your family, and other passions. Each coaching call also provides accountability and redirection, if necessary, for your goals. You will also receive practical and emotional support as needed. (value $1647)
  • Recording of each coaching call. You will receive a recording of each coaching call so that you can listen back at your convenience. This way you can be fully present on the call and not have to worry about taking notes. (value $827)
  • Semiweekly Email Support. You will have access to me via email twice a week when you need support between sessions. (value $1007)


FAITH Program™ (investment $3728 $1277; or 3 payments of $447)

Kiss Your Fear Goodbye Fear Assessment™ only (investment $247 $147)

Opt Out Days: 1 days

Freelancecoach will hold your funds for 1 business day(s) before they will be released to the professional.

Faith Coaching Program - Coach Tiko

Coach Tiko

Life Coaching

US | Norcross , Georgia


Username: coachtiko
Member Since: Feb 6, 2013
Last login: Feb 10, 2014


Reviews: 4

Faith Coaching Program


US $1277.00


FreelanceCoach Client ProtectionFreelanceCoach Client Protection
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