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Heidi Gretel
                 Meza Rubach-
                 Personal Development-


Confirmed Profile

Heidi Gretel Meza Rubach

Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist

Mexico | Mexico City, Mexico | Apr 23, 2024 | 7:30 PM Local Time


Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Psychotherapist, Short Therapies and Hypnotherapist

Therapeutic sessions given to individuals, couples and families by means of hypnosis and other short and integral psychotherapy methods, applied in order to establish direct communication with the subconscious mind, thereby creating a natural method for helping to resolve problems and ...



Focused on helping people of a wide range of ages, from 8 to 70 years providing them a guide to find a new focus and their internal resources in order to solve their problems and issues, raise awareness, upgrade their potential and transcend their limitations.

Conferences and Workshops given:

Transforming ...



Organizational Neuroscientific and Neurostrategic Institute

·         Master in Short Therapies under the RISE (Emotional Synaptic Reengineering, in Spanish) Protocol

·         Doctorate in the Complex Use of Short Psychotherapies


Organizational Neuroscientific and Neurostrategic Institute (INNEO in Spanish) and

           Hypnosis and Psycotherapy Academy

·         Master in Advanced Therapeutic Hypnosis


Organizational Neuroscientific and Neurostrategic Institute (INNEO ...



Username: heidi.gretel
Member Since: Mar 21, 2013
Last login: Jun 22, 2020

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