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                 Business Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Janice Drescher

Business & Life Coach

United States | Forestville, CA | May 3, 2024 | 8:35 AM Local Time





Educational Background


Graduate                      Stanford University, Stanford, California

                                     Degree: Educational Specialist (Ed.S.)

                                     Specialty:  Curriculum


Graduate                      Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut

                                     Degree:  Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)

                                     Field:  Spanish/Education


Undergraduate             Simmons College, Boston, Massachusetts

                                     Degree:  B.A.

                                     Major:  Spanish

                                     Honors:  Dean’s List


                                     International Institute, Madrid, Spain

                                     Vassar-Wesleyan Semester Abroad


Professional Experience


1999 - Present   Intentional Leaders (formerly Business Development Resources)


Owner/Operator of a performance improvement company that offers
business infrastructure building, executive coaching and training on a
variety of business topics including Management Development, Leadership
Events with Horses, Systems Documentation and Marketing Strategy
and Implementation.


Products for sale include a Management Development Toolkit, a
Management Development Seminar and a Leadership Seminar with
complete Facilitator Guides.  Products are sold separately or with
train-the-trainer or implementation services.


1985 - 1999 - Gerber Business Development Corporation
dba E-Myth Worldwide


A management consulting firm providing business coaching to “small
owner” clients through a documented program covering all the
major aspects of
developing and running a successful business.   


1998-1999   Training Specialist


Designed and developed curriculum for ongoing group training for the
network of Certified E-Myth Consultants.  Curriculum includes interactive
activities and 2nd layer of orchestration with scripting and logic to support
consistent delivery.


Conducted performance evaluations of Certified E-Myth Consultants,
(CECs), to ensure network standards.


 Developed consultant tool on “Engagement - The E-Myth Way.”


Continued as lead trainer for the Five-Day Intensive offered monthly.
training is the vehicle that licenses CECs.

1997-1998   Vice President Consulting Services


Trained and supported a network of consultants capable of generating
more than $20 million in annual gross revenues.


Designed, documented, implemented and maintained the first generation
of a revenue sharing program to support the growing consultant network.


Provided ongoing support for the network of Certified E-Myth Consultants
including design and implementation of periodic evaluations to verify
maintenance and integrity of the E-Myth brand of consulting, training
teleconferences, and publication of policy bulletins to the network.


Managed in-house service delivery department of 20 consultants
through a collaborative, team approach. Consultants delivered consulting
services to “small business owner” clients as well as a three-year ongoing
training program to CECs.



1995-1997  Vice President Corporate Training


Developed and implemented a Five-Day Intensive Training designed to
certify consultant candidates to deliver specific consulting services. 
Delivered the Intensive Training monthly for over 2 years certifying over
150 Certified E-Myth Consultants, (CECs).


Created 10 modules of the most frequently delivered business
development processes to streamline client delivery of the Business
Development Program.  Modules were grouped by topic and included
a step-by-step “commitment agreement” that lead client through
implementation of the materials in his business.


Managed 2nd generation revision of Business Development
Program Materials.  Project included editing, proofing and re-formatting
of over 100 business processes.


Created a tool kit to support consultant delivery of services. 
Tool kit included supplementary materials to support client’s business
development activities.


Developed and implemented a six-week training program for in-house
consultants.  Successfully implemented over five years.  Designed
materials for training including an operations manual and core modules
manual.  Designed ongoing training manual for next phase of training.


Developed training program and materials and implemented training for
the managers of the consultants.


Participated as a team member of network corporation project involving
State Farm Insurance.  Activities included project planning, proposal
development, on-site training development, pilot project planning,
materials development and implementation.  The project generated over
$350,000 in revenues spanning 9 months.  Project was designed to bring
E-Myth Academy training methodologies inside the State Farm
organization to support the “small business owner” agent.


Developed and implemented new employee orientation and training


Lead a team effort to design, develop and implement a joint venture
with a training and consulting firm in Melbourne Australia.
Project designed to recruit and train consultants to deliver consulting
services through accounting firms in Australia.  Lived in Melbourne for
2 months to initiate project.


Participated in senior management team of company creating strategies
and tactics for implementation of the company vision.


1990-1994   Director of Client Services


Managed a team of Managers of Client Services who delivered the
Business Development Program to their client load.  Accountable for
mentoring, training, quality assurance and team results.


1985-1990   Manager of Client Services


Worked as consultant to small business owners.  Delivered Business
evelopment Program to help business owners identify and achieve their
company’s strategic objective through development, documentation
and implementation of management, organizational, operational, marketing
and finance strategies.


Managed a clientele of 25 business owners, located nationally,
generating over $150,000 in annual client revenues.


1980 - 1985       Chairman/Teacher - Spanish Department,
The York School, Monterey, CA


A private 4-year college preparatory high school. 


Developed and taught Spanish Program, Levels 1-5,
(Advanced Placement). 


1972 - 1980       Spanish Teacher, Hamden High School,
Hamden, Connecticut


Urban-Suburban comprehensive 3-year high school of 2,400 students.


Taught courses ranging from first year through fifth year Spanish. 
Levels ranged from
basic course to advanced, and included audio-lingual
and/or individualized mastery


Username: janicedrescher
Member Since: Jan 18, 2013
Last login: Nov 21, 2013


Reviews: 2

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