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Articles tagged maintain your self motivation

As easy as it is to be de-motivated, it is that difficult to find self motivation. Actually, motivation needs to come from within so that we can handle the many challenges that life poses. Motivation is one of the important ingredients of success. Whether you are an athlete or an entrepreneur, motivation is the foundation on which you can build your dreams.

In order to understand how you can self motivate; you need to first understand what motivation is and how it exists. Motivation comprises of three elements, which are:

Creative Freedom: This will help you to fulfill your dreams and aspirations. Creative freedom is used to come up with ideas, make future projections and form goals.

Learning from Failure: Failure is not just connected with our professional life but also our personal life. It is not the failure that is important; it is what you learn from your failure that is important. You need to learn to overcome your barriers and bounce back.

Continuous Learning: Learning is a continuous process. Many people feel that what we have learned in school and college is true learning but that is not the case. Learning happens consciously and subconsciously. There are different types of learning like learning from mistakes, from the environment, about nature, about people, about society etc. The more you learn, the stronger you will become. Low income employees can become easily de-motivated vis-à-vis high income employees according to a survey. Low income employees fall under the less than $24,000 per year category.

The Right Attitude For Self Motivation

Why is lack of motivation prevalent in the lives of people? Where does it come from? According to Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average person’s life cycle at this point can be segregated into categories based on time spent. On an average, a person spends 38% of their time in sleeping and personal care, 19% in work and work related activities, 17% watching television, 11% is used in domestic activities, 6% in eating and family time, 2% in recreation and only 1% in personal growth. So basically there is no time for one’s own self and hence a lack of motivation!

Let’s face the truth: everything around us and the world that we live in is working in a way that is highly de-motivating. Whether it is low wages and poor working environment or health and other personal issues, it is easy to be de-motivated. So how is it possible to find motivation?

An article in Forbes states that when employees are happy they are 180% more energized, 155% content with their job responsibilities, 150% happier, 108% more engaged in the organization, and 50% more motivated. When employees are happy and motivated, their productivity increases by 50%.

The secret of self motivation lies in practicing and maintaining the right attitude. Take responsibility of your attitude. The right and positive attitude can make a lot of difference. You need to practice positive attitude. This can be achieved through meditation and yoga exercise, which help in releasing all the negative energy. When the negative energy is removed, you will be left with positive energy, which will uplift your mood and attitude and help improve self motivation.

Warm regards,

FreelanceCoach Team

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