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Articles tagged business coaching

One followed his instincts and took spontaneous decision, while other planned and panned out his way to success. Where both Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have respectively created and reached new echelons of professional lives, there’s a stark difference between the two.

The major similarity being that they are both college dropouts, and perhaps also that they are hailed as modern day Isaac Newton, but both Jobs and Gates are truly different when it comes to business acumen and strategies.

To start with, Gates brilliance in the technical know-how has steadily kept Microsoft’s scale going upwards, so much so that according to Wikipedia; at one point of time the company was sued for becoming a monopoly in the world of operating system.

The late Jobs on the other hand, co-founded Apple and were later fired from the company. He, then stating that Pixar had ‘interesting’ computers bought that over. Later, when Apple neared bankruptcy, Jobs got back on board and spearheaded the company that was soon to be a corporate giant in the field of software.

What most people don’t know is at the time when Job re-acquired Apple; Bill Gates had invested close to $150 million to haul the company out of bankruptcy.

When Gates was once asked what his interest would have been, if not computers. He replied in a heartbeat stating it would be economics. On the other hand, when Jobs was asked what he would concentrate on 20 years hence, his instant reply was, women.

That was their strength, while Gates worked with numbers, equations and paid clear attention to the economics, Job’s focus was human resources. He knew the potential of people and was a people-driven person. His aim, as would be reflected by his contribution to the world in general and technology in particular, along with his modus operandi that highlighted the fact that his focus was on improving and creating a direct impact on the quality of the life of people.

If we were to simplify both the contributions of Gates and Jobs, it is not mutually exclusive. Job improvised and spearheaded technological development, which in a way was based on Gates pioneered innovation.

Bill Gates is currently ranked as the richest man according to Forbes 400 and Lauren Powell Jobs (on behalf of late Steve Jobs) is at number 28.

Both Gates and Jobs have touched the world in a way no one would forget, but who of the two, would you be? Simple, the one you identify with best.

Wishing you all the best, Team

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In today’s world, coaching is becoming more and more important; people are looking to improve themselves and the life they are living. Therefore you, as a person with high dreams, willing to help people to grow bigger and be a part of the positive change in the world go and take coaching classes thinking that at the end of these the clients will come running to you. Are you one of them?

You tried to obtain clients by talking to friends, giving free sessions to anyone listens to you, etc. But you want more, you know that you have a lot to offer and you want to use your talent. But what to do? 

    Telemarketing is a successful method for selling different services like cable TV, charity, insurance, etc. Maybe you wouldn’t think that this is right for coaching as you want the client to be willing to be coached and interested in coaching already. I would like you to think again.

Telemarketing is an integral part of any business. It is not about ringing as many people as possible; it's about ringing the right people. By speaking to the decision makers from a carefully selected leads generator list of potential clients/customers etc, you can help maximise your coaching business potential.

There are many advantages for doing telemarketing for your coaching business:


  • You’ll expand rapidly your clients’ network. Telesales is unrivalled in its effectiveness to make connections. How else could you speak to hundreds of potential clients in so short a time period?
  • No geographic boundaries. With telemarketing you have the opportunity to reach anyone, anywhere in the world. 
  • Find new opportunities that you couldn’t find elsewhere. If you listen carefully to people on the phone, you can discover opportunities that you never knew existed. A client that you called might know somebody that is going through a change and needs guidance and support.
  • You’ll develop more as a coach as you will expand your knowledge about asking questions and relating to different types of customers

If you want to bring your coaching business to different dimensions, consider telemarketing as an important tool for this.


Anda Tudor                                                                                          February 17th, 2012

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Despite the tremendous importance of money and finance in all aspects of our lives, very few people benefit from any kind of formal guidance in how to deal with either.  For most of us, it is simply a case of learning our lessons by watching how those around us deal with financial matters and then muddling through accordingly.  Although help is available through formal training for anyone who wishes to improve their sense of financial awareness in the home or business setting, such courses are typically only able to provide generic information which students then have to interpret to fit their own sets of circumstances.  With the help of online coaching, however, anyone can receive personalized guidance which is tailor-made to address their own unique situations and needs and geared towards helping them meet their own specific financial aims or those of the companies that they work for.

Especially in today’s tough economic times, it is imperative that managers, executives, leaders and business owners possess high levels of financial astuteness if their companies are going to thrive rather than merely survive and if they are to avoid the unfortunate scenario where employees have to be laid off or they themselves risk losing their jobs or watching their businesses go under.  With greater financial awareness and a better understanding of how specific decisions will ultimately impact on the business, companies can better secure their financial futures and the jobs of those that they employ.

The business world, of course, isn’t the only place where a lack of financial awareness can potentially lead to disaster, or at the very least financial difficulties or the failure to make maximum use of the resources available.  In the home too, the ability to understand finance and to be able to budget is vital if families are going to be able to deal with their financial commitments and to prepare for future events such as their children’s educations and weddings or to realize their own personal ambitions such as setting up a small home business.  With so much uncertainty in the job market, making sure that they have sufficient put by to protect them should the specter of unemployment make its presence felt or just having enough put by to deal with the unexpected can mean that families can live contentedly and without endless stress and worry.

When you work alongside a coach in the online coaching environment, one of the enormous benefits that you receive is that the help and guidance is related specifically to your own unique situation.  Online coaching which is provided to private individuals, for example, takes into account their own incomings and outgoings and what they themselves hope to achieve at the end of the day.  Online coaching in relation to businesses, on the other hand, helps managers, executives, leaders and business owners to manage the resources for which they are responsible in such a way as to achieve the best possible results.  In some cases, financial awareness coaching is provided as a standalone, whereas in others it forms just one element of a wider executive, leadership or sales coaching program.

Anda Tudor, Life Coach                                                                                         September 14, 2011

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For many people, setting up their own business is a lifelong dream which is never realized.  For those who do make the giant leap from being an employee into self-employment, however, not only is the experience an extremely exciting one, but also one of the most daunting.  It is for this reason that many new entrepreneurs seek support and guidance via business coaching.

Even before a new business gets off the ground, there are a million and one different things to do and to consider, from setting up the business entity to arranging finance, identifying target markets, writing business and marketing plans and a whole lot more.  Both at this stage and once business activities are underway, entrepreneurs are called upon to use the widest range of skills imaginable, some of which may never even have been tested while they were in paid employment and which may not represent areas in which the individual is particularly strong or gifted.  Even knowing which of these to tackle personally and which to farm out to someone more experienced can be an enormous challenge for many new business owners, and this is one of the many important areas where the more seasoned entrepreneurs who provide business coaching services can offer invaluable advice, guidance and support.

Of course, it’s not just the sheer range of activities and responsibilities which can present concerns and issues for new entrepreneurs.  Switching from paid employment in an organization where other people ultimately carried the can to being in a situation where the buck stops with you can not only feel foreign and stressful, but extremely lonely.  In addition, knowing that your business lives or dies according to the time and effort that you put into it can mean that every semblance of a work/life balance is lost, even to the extent where health and personal relationships begin to suffer or fall apart completely.

Setting up and running a business involves embarking on an extremely steep learning curve which encompasses a multitude of different factors.  Sadly, the harsh reality is that many new entrepreneurs don’t survive the ride, and even if their businesses manage to keep going throughout the first year, the majority is destined to fail before they hit their 10-year anniversaries.  In fact, estimates put the failure rate at 25% before the end of Year 1, and 50% by the close of Year 5, with 70% of new ventures having crashed and burned after 10 years.  Although these figures might seem exceptionally high, especially bearing in mind the wealth of information which is available to new business owners today, both information overload and the generic nature of the advice which is provided in books, training courses and so on can often add to confusion and cause entrepreneurs to make fatal business errors.

For those who choose to take up business coaching, one of the key benefits is the ability to receive advice, guidance and support which is directly relevant to their own business ventures and their own unique sets of circumstances.  In addition, however, because the coaches themselves have set up and run successful businesses of their own, new entrepreneurs who avail themselves of business coaching services effectively have the opportunity to learn by somebody else’s mistakes and experience rather than through their own trial and error, which can shorten the learning curve tremendously.

Whether you are about to kick off your own new business or are looking to fine-tune your entrepreneurial skills in an established venture, business coaching could be your key to reaching your objectives more quickly and painlessly. 


Julia Ann                                             August 16, 2011                                                      

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