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                 Life Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Moe Silberzweig

Coach Mentor Moe aka Momentum

United States | Acton, Massachusetts | May 2, 2024 | 11:35 AM Local Time


In March 2012, my coaching experience was enriched by achieving my dream of obtaining certification from the Certified Professional Coach Program by the InternationalCoachingAcademy, making me a Certified Professional Coach (CPC).

Check out my testimonials to see what I can do collaborating with you.

Moe has been an exceptional mentor. Moe helped me figure out that I was o.k. I was struggling with my belief in myself. Moe helped me believe in myself and to realize that I had the power within myself to become successful.  Moe showed me that I can attract the right people into my life. Thank you, Moe. It has been a pleasure.
Penny O'Neil, British Columbia, Canada

 Coaching with Moe Silberzweig has shown me a clear path to my success. Moe has given me great keys to success through Dream Boards, Vision statements and Moments of Greatness. He continuously showed belief in me and my goals. While speaking with Moe, I would feel enthusiasm for reaching my goals grow and feed my motivation. Moe was always kind and sincere, willing to share his personal stories to motivate and support me.  Moe has helped me to stretch myself in accountability and approach,  showing me how important it is to have mentors and accountability partners. Everyone would benefit with Moe Silberzweig as their coach!

Jenna Eccles, Colorado

 Moe is a great Coach.  He brings a sense of reality and business savvy to the coaching relationship.  But at the same time, he lets the client have space to be thoughtful and explore options.  He knows when to challenge me, how to hold me accountable to do what I said I would do, and senses when I need to give myself a break.  Moe always finds a compliment and is genuine in his feedback.  He is a great person to talk with, a confidant, and a good friend. Working with Moe has propelled me forward and enhanced my confidence in my own abilities.

Kathleen M. Reilly, Purdys, New York

 Who Else Wants Some Personal Coaching?My Personal Coaching experience is similar to today's Computer Technology. It is one part useful, one part wishful, and probably one part scamola. What’s What and Which is Which Is up to you to figure out for yourself. I cannot tell you whether it is a matter of actual cause and effect, mere coincidence or just another miracle in the continuing education course of divine miracles known as this life. If you are willing to put in the wetware (the gooey gray matter in between the hardware and software), you can bet your sweet patootie that with the right personal coach, high jumps can be made over low standards. I, as a creature of habit, discovered it’s important to let go of the Remote Control. This isn’t Nookyular physics or rocket science. But you can’t “figure it out” on your own. 

 What Coach Moe “Momentum" Silberzweig doesn’t know about personal coaching is not worth knowing. He delivers the goods. Of course, past performance is not indicative of future results and your mileage may vary. Please allow me to express my gratitude to you for helping me help myself.

Marc Preven, Queens, New York

 Moe is terrific!  I really enjoyed working with him.  When I began the coaching process, I had no idea what I wanted to improve.  Moe was very effective in helping me determine what I wanted to accomplish from my coaching sessions.  He worked with me to develop reasonable and attainable goals.  He provided me effective techniques to attain them.

 Moe has a great approach with his clients.  He easily establishes a rapport and connection. You quickly realize that, to him, you are more than a client, and he is more than a coach.  You realize that Moe is your mentor, and you are his next success story.  He consistently encourages you to achieve your goals.  He instilled in me a sense of pride and accomplishment for my achievements. Moe has helped me become more confident in myself and my job performance. This confidence has allowed me to increase my business goals from 112% of goal to 128% of goal in just 3 months. Thanks, Moe!!!!!!

Keith Karkane, Acton, MA

 I wasn't sure what to expect going to a Life Coach for the first time. All I knew was that I had found myself in need of a change professionally and possibly personally. I had found myself in a trough and no way out. The stress was mounting, which compounded the lack of positve results. Coaching provided a way out, a new light and perspective on my situation that delivered results.  Energy and a feeling of confidence reentered my life, along with a consistant way of operating daily. I began to see a value in everything again; by setting daily goals(with the end in mind), more was achieved. A sense of responsibility and accountability was in place, but this time with an open mind and better focus. Improved time management allowed more freedom to be with family and to do things I find enjoyable.

 I highly recommend a Life Coach. Finding yourself in a trough or needing a jolt to get moving in the right direction again requires change. Think of your Life Coach as the conductor that gets the train moving again on  the track. Coach Moe did a great job, and I recommend him to anyone who is ready and willing to move forward now. 

 Chip Headrick, Chattanooga,Tennessee

 Words are truly inadequate to describe Moe Silberzweig as a personal coach. It has to be experienced. There is no other way of saying it. Moe has incredible interpersonal skills that delves deep into your character and awakens your dormant essence. By doing this, Moe creates momentum to get you going on your path to achieve your goals, dreams and your greatness. You’re truly in for an experience of a lifetime. Thank you, Moe!!!

 Dale E. Toffan, Alberta, Canada

 Moe Silberzweig is a fabulous success coach and a great man!  I would like to drop my negative friends and speak exclusively with people like Moe.  In my coaching sessions, Moe steered me toward observing and following success principles.  My sessions with him were akin to chiropractic treatments.  When beginning to receive chiropractic treatments, the alignment of the spine is generally poor.  With each treatment, the spine aligns progressively toward correct alignment.  My attitude and habits behaved in such a way.  At the beginning, I was very aimless.  With each coaching session,  I could feel my personal development skills and general attitude get better and better.  Now I certainly feel I have a good base for building a very successful business. 

 Moe brings out the best in a developing network marketer.  He cares about my results.  He wants to know what is POSITIVE in my life.  He also has the ability to teach one how to use negative events in making him or her stronger.  Although my sessions with Moe are done, I intend to keep in touch with him.  I want to let him know how he contributed greatly to my success. I highly recommend Moe as a personal development/success coach.

Randy Rush, Melbourne, Florida

 I have been facing the challenge of becoming an "Online Entrepreneur" for a little over a year. The so called "one year learning curve" was difficult for me to overcome. I have to say the biggest obstacle was, in fact, "me". I had to figure "me" out in order to succeed. Thanks to Moe Silberzweig and his mentoring, I've been able to overcome "me," and as soon as I did, things started to happen, not only online, but in my personal life as well. My wife also recognized the change in me. Living everyday to its fullest means so much to my family and me.

Thanks, Moe!

Domenic Zanella, Toronto, Canada


“I was not focused before……………”

I have enjoyed the benefits of meeting and working with several personal coaches before in my career. Recently, through the organization of Mike Litman, I was introduced to Moe Silberzweig, a personal coach from East Coast, and things in my life started to roll towards a clear direction. We worked together for several weeks, and Moe has shown his commitment to success, a high degree of integrity and sincerity in helping other people. We just met over the phone, and we already became friends, and in no time he shared with me his knowledge and experience in focusing. While I just started in this process, I already see definite results of focusing on what I need to do, prioritizing and working my plan. I enjoyed working with Moe and look forward to working with him again in the coming years.

Rennes Alamsjah, Vancouver, BC Canada

 Moe Silberzweig is one of those rare individuals who has a sincere passion for helping other people. It is exciting to collaborate with someone who can take the complex and make it clear and attainable. He believes that you can only succeed greatly by helping others succeed. Moe is an inspiration! My business has grown tremendously. You won't be the same after you coach with Moe.

Connie Holland, Southmont, North Carolina

 Coaching with Moe gave me the means to continuously move forward in my business and my personal life. He helped me to remove old habits and roadblocks (like procrastination and inactivity) and replace them with good habits (like organization, decision-making, and taking action now). Further, and perhaps more importantly, I have made new friends (like Moe, my coach), who can help me and will be around for a very long time. You can't put a price on that, my friend!

Rex Hudson, Owner and Founder of Worldwide Information Supply Enterprises LLC, Clover, South Carolina

I was at the end of my rope. My business was circling the drain, and my attitude was poor. I was doing everything I could think of doing, but lacked any kind of focus. If I didn't do something different quickly, last year would be the same as this year. I made the DECISION to sign up for a Coaching Program and am glad I did. Moe Silberzweig, my coach, really opened my eyes to the possibilities. I was reading a lot of self-development material and was listening to the CDs, but I was procrastinating with the business. Moe drilled into me that learning the material was only the first step. Without action, the education was useless. Moe told me: "you don't have to get it right, you just have to get it going".


I am a much different person today. I set up my day the night before to help me reach my goals more quickly. I still spend at least two hours a day with personal development. The difference is that I am constantly focused on how what I am learning can move my life and business ahead. I take action! I look for new opportunities, evaluate them, and take action one way or the other. My DECISION to be successful and help others to be successful no longer seems hollow. And best of all, I have become a better Leader because I am truly leading by example. This year is going to be an AWESOME year, thanks to Moe.

Dave Garber, Pennsylvania


The Coaching Program with Moe's guidance has dramatically changed my mindset towards achieving success - not only in my business, but also to self-development and achieving success in other fields. The one-on-one coaching with Moe has given me the momentum to move forward towards the goals I've set (which was a part of the program). Each time I spoke with Moe, I felt as though I gained so much practical knowledge with specific action steps. His passionate attitude towards helping people achieve something is very special. I am very glad to have joined the program and to have known Moe. I would recommend the program to anyone who wishes to succeed, not only in their business, but also to improve their overall state of being. Moe, I appreciate you.

Hiro Kaneko, Riverdale, New York


I have had the pleasure of listening to Moe coach. He has a wonderful coaching presence that creates a safe space for his client. There is a gentle yet a powerful flow to his coaching that supports the client to achieve their goals and dreams. Any client coached by Moe is sure to have a great journey in becoming aware and being empowered.

Prabha Chandrasekhar Certified Professional Coach, Illinois


I've known Moe for years now, and the first thing I can say is that he lives up to his  name "Momentum." His dynamic coaching style, in combination with the fact that he REALLy cares about his clients, allows him to build a rapport of trust and respect that primes his clients to be motivated and move forward in ways they never thought were possible.


Moe truly helps everyone he works with discover their strengths and build on them to gain unstoppable Momentum.

Kristen Howe, Go Big Coach, California


Username: moesilber
Member Since: Jan 21, 2013
Last login: Jan 7, 2017


Reviews: 4

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