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                 Business Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Michael Kissinger

Business Doctor- Business Development Director

United States | Daly City, CA | May 8, 2024 | 9:11 PM Local Time


Michael Kissinger's Summary

Are You Sitting On a Treasure Trove of Profits and Hidden Assets that You Just Can't See?

The economy is slowing! The competition in small business is at an all time high! Combine this with the fact that over 75% to 80% of all small businesses fail within the first five years…and you have a huge mountain to overcome!

So…How is it that most businesses are failing and yet there are some businesses out there like yours producing enormous amounts of profits and plenty of time off for their owners?

How do they do it? How can you stack the odds in your favor like they do? More importantly, what do YOU have to do to join those business owners who seem to have “Plenty” of time and money?

You can join those business owners who consistently earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year while their businesses seem to operate on autopilot. We’ll show you how!

We offer a GUARANTEED service to Increase Your Profits from 25% to 50% to 100% in 60-90-180 Days by Exploiting the Unused Assets in Your Business. If we don't product you don't pay. We do it by

1) Acquiring more new prospects for you.

2) Increasing your conversion rate; turning prospects into customers.

3) Increasing the value of your customers by:

• Increasing the average transaction value
• Increasing the number of transactions

Together, we can double or triple your sales and profits without increasing marketing and advertising costs through our monthly one-on-one coaching program. Can you afford to lose out on growth like this? Coaching usually takes place via structured 60-90 minute meetings or calls.

Free get started analysis to owners who contact us now. We'll review your profit progress and show you how to increase your profits geometrically.

Please let me know what we can do for you.

Michael Kissinger is a 20 year veteran of the business community. A dynamic speaker, trainer, author, business owner, and coach


My specialties include business start-up, business development, promotion and networking. I increase your profit and reduce overhead almost overnight. I coach on the areas of Leadership | Business Planning |Strategy Setting | Change Management | Organizational Development |Executive Coaching | Joint Ventures |Corporate Turnarounds| Franchising |Strategic Execution| Corporate Communications | Marketing |Product Creation | Copywriting | Advertising | Negotiating | Financing | Tax Reduction |


Username: mjkkissinger
Member Since: Apr 1, 2013
Last login: Apr 1, 2013

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