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                 Life Coaching-


Confirmed Profile

Carol Joyce

United States | Chicago, Illinois | May 3, 2024 | 10:44 AM Local Time


Whether you are an entrepreneur with a great idea, a professional stuck in an unfulfilling career, or looking for your life purpose, more balance and to live in joy - I can help you turn your dreams into a reality.

When you coach with me you get immediate access to my Co-Active coaching system that will help you discover what drives you at your core. Together we will look at your personal values, passions and customize a strategy to get you where you want to go. It is a step-by-step process that really works!

My clients have a track-record of success because when they choose to work with me they get instant access to my proven Co-Active Coaching system. With this system, clients have moved from underpaid, unfulfilling jobs to exciting, high-profile careers. Likewise, entrepreneurs with big dreams have seen their innovative start-ups come to fruition.

I have a strong business background with 15 years as a member of the management/marketing/sales team at a global Fortune 500 company. I have owned my own professional coaching practice for 5 years. I, myself, am a successful entrepreneur. I am president and owner of two companies. I believe everyone has a unique life purpose and talent that is theirs and theirs alone. I use my signature Co-Active coaching system to help clients discover their unique abilities, passion, and purpose. I will help you move out of your comfort zone toward the life of your dreams.

Don't wait to have the career, business, or life that you deserve! Schedule your appointment with me today. 
-Carol A. Joyce, MA, LPC, CHt



Username: carolajoyce1
Member Since: Mar 8, 2013
Last login: Dec 6, 2013


Reviews: 2

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