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                 Psychic Reading-


Confirmed Profile

Azjua Psychic

Psychic & Power Coach - 1 (888) 331 9580 ext 107

United States | Albuquerque, NM | May 8, 2024 | 3:16 PM Local Time


Knowledge is power. Let me help to empower you. I am a professional Spiritual Counselor, Life and Power Coach, Psychic, Energy Healer, Hypnotherapist, Metaphysician, and Law of Attraction Specialist. I have been using my psychic, counseling and healing gifts to help others since I was a teenager. Let me help you map a customized approach to achieving your goals.

I utilize several different methods in order to cater to a diverse set of clients because I understand that different people resonate with different types of methodologies. I am a trained empath and I blend my intuition with various psychic tools and unique energy work to ensure a thorough comprehensive coaching session for my clients.

I am also a Law of Attraction specialist and can help you manifest your dreams in a logical, step by step manner. I believe in empowering my clients with knowledge and wisdom to help them to overcome their challenges.

By blending my intuitive and empathic abilities with my knowledge and healing energy, I strive to help others to heal, be happy and truly live up to their full potentials.


Username: azjua
Member Since: Jun 5, 2013
Last login: Jun 2, 2016

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