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                 Psychic Reading-


Confirmed Profile

Anna Simon

Psychic Medium, Love Specialist , Spiritual Mentor

United States | McKinney, TX | May 3, 2024 | 10:19 AM Local Time


Psychic Medium, Clairvoyant, Chaneler,Healer,Angel Energy healer, Animal Communicator, Remote Viewing, Dream Interpretation,Spiritual Teacher.

Anna  Simon has been a psychic medium, spiritual teacher, lecturer and humanitarian for nearly 20 years. She is the founder of SpiritWithinReach and has her own radio show. Her passion is teaching others how to reach their highest potential through her gifts of mentoring, mediumship, spiritual intuitive, psychic readings and holistic healing.

Born with the ‘gift of sight’, Anna also posses the ability to connect to the 'other side' as a medium. As a little girl, she recognized that she had special abilities; however, she did not fully comprehend her gifts as a psychic medium. She was unaware that she was communicating with Angels. She would have visions and receive messages for others. As the years passed, she began to have encounters with psychic phenomena. During this time, as a young adult, she offered psychic readings for friends and family. This further propelled her gift and enabled her to hone her craft to become validated in her work today.

Over a decade ago, great tragedy struck Anna's life that changed its course forever. As her relationships and finances fell apart, she lost all sense of inner peace. She began doubting what role she had to play in this world. But, somehow she clung to the knowledge that she still had her power of clarity and prayed for true spiritual guidance. One night, a strange light awakened Anna in her bedroom door. She saw an image of an Angel who came to her and advised her that her life would change forever. She was asked to use her gifts to help others reach their full potential.

A week after the Angel visitation, Anna found herself drawn to people who had taken the path of true spiritual calling. She visited a reader for a spiritual advice and was informed that she needed to use her gifts of clairvoyance to help others. Anna told the reader that she loved helping people, but didn't know where to begin. The reader mentored her and since then has become a close personal friend of Anna’s and her family.

Anna is different from other psychics because through her teachings she gives her clients the tools to lead a better life. She will teach you how to manifest your true desires with simple and effective techniques. Anna empowers you by giving you accurate psychic readings including names, dates, and descriptions of your true soul mate and spiritual path. Her healings are done through loving Universal Energy. God has given her great gifts that she wants to share with you to help you to be happy in life.

Today, Anna is doing her life's work and true calling - attracting wonderful people into her life. She manifested a loving happy marriage, financial success and true inner peace. She wants you to be as happy and fulfilled as she is in her life. Read her message about fulfilling your dreams through God’s love that resides within you.

Additional Information: 

"Welcome and Blessings! Mere curiosity has not brought you here. You were led to this site because you seek the truth. You are not alone. Your Angels and Guides have provided loving direction on this path to discovering.

I am gently GUIDING YOU to the UNIVERSAL TRUTH of WHO YOU ARE. I want to share something with you -- something very important: You deserve to LIVE your DREAMS -- to truly know the wonder that is YOU. When you BELIEVE you can make ANYTHING happen in your life, it WILL happen. All you need is someone to help bring out your own beautiful spirit. Seek and you shall find God within.”


Username: anael39
Member Since: Jun 3, 2013
Last login: Jul 17, 2013

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